Wednesday, October 31, 2007

TECH cocktail Chicago

Getting together has never been as much fun nor as successful as when groups of technology experts, start-ups and folks who just want to have fun, get together for TECH cocktail, a social mixer founded in 2005 by Chicagoans Frank Gruber and Eric Olson.

TECH cocktail returns to Chicago for the 6th time on Thursday, November 15, and a good time will be in order for all who RSVP. With as many as 500 people in attendance, John Barleycorn-Wrigleyville is the location for the event that provides free drinks, free demonstrations, and free laughs for all.

TECH cocktail went on the road recently and showed up in Washington, DC and Boston -- both successful and both filled with techies, start-ups and free drinks. How can TECH cocktail continue to be such a success? It's the result of the two founders: both Frank and Eric have warm personalities that contribute to the continued success of the events. Each is a good looking and bright guy who takes time to talk to everyone, shake hands with all, and smile at everyone and in photos with those who attend. And why not? Everyone at the event is upbeat and filled with excitement, happy to be there and waiting to meet others. I've been to a few TECH cocktails and know the crowds, the cameras, and the camaraderie. I'll be back for the next one as well.

Always from 6:30 to 9:30 on a Thursday evening at an upbeat yet relaxed venue, TECH cocktail continues to embrace Chicagoland and all it has to offer. And Chicagoland technology experts, start-ups and folks who just want to have fun continue to embrace TECH cocktail.

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