Sunday, July 20, 2008

Miraclesuit Swim Suits

Buying jeans can be difficult and time consuming, but buying a swimsuit can be down right discouraging, until now. Miraclesuit swimsuits to the rescue with their claim, one can "look ten pounds slimmer in ten seconds." The suits of heavy duty Lycra Spandex "pull one in" and "suck it up," so to speak, in all the right places. Available in a variety of colors and styles, Miraclesuits range in price from $82 to $140, depending on the style and the venue. The suits can be purchased at several stores as well as online at sites including Nordstrom's and Eddie Bauer.

The secret in Miraclesuits is in Miratex®...a fabric with 3 times as much Lycra as other swimsuits. Patented Miratex fabric smoothes one's waist and tummy, slimming and contouring the body with three times as much Lycra spandex as regular spandex. The proud owner of two Miraclesuits, I know for a fact one will feel better and look better wearing a swimsuit with Miratex fabric. Going to the pool or beach can be more fun if one feels they look the best they can possibly look, and the Miraclesuit claim of looking ten pounds slimmer in ten seconds is true. Check them out.

Photo attribution: Nordstrom's

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