Thursday, July 31, 2008

Update on Flying Through the Air With Out the Greatest of Ease

At an airport on the way to a return flight from a visit to Captiva Island, my husband was thrown out of the wheelchair he was traveling in from an earlier injury, landing on the concrete in front of a bus. A previous post explained what happened in detail but here is an update for those who may wonder.

The previously painful wrist is out of the cast/Velcro enclosure and recovering beautifully. The disk in the back, however, isn't doing quite as well. A recent visit to a spine center indicated a possible herniated disk on the right side of the spine, above the spinal fusion of a few years back. Ouch. Time will tell if intervention is necessary to correct this problem or if it will resolve itself. Keep your fingers crossed.

Leather Restoration

Two Chesterfield tufted leather couches have held court in the family room for at least fifteen years. As with all skins, wrinkles have ruined the surface of the couch so leather restoration services were in order. Quality Leather Restoration was called in to bring the leather back to it's original color and luster, all for under $700. A new high quality leather sofa costs from $4800 on up. The leather face lift is taking place as I write.

The quality of leather furniture being built and sold has diminished over the past twenty years, providing a thinner leather with a shorter life span. The two burgundy Chesterfield leather couches were pricey back in 1985 when they were purchased, but now that is very good news. The couches are made with top grain leather that is thicker than today's leather products. Top grain leather is prized because it offers the most strength, durability and suppleness and can be cleaned, buffed and restored to the original condition. Split leather, on the other hand, makes up most of the leather products on sale today and is the layer that remains when top grain is removed from the hide. Split leather has none of the textural character of top grain leather, but can be embossed with a texture that simulates top grain. This layer of hide is still appropriate for furniture, but is not as strong as top grain leather.

Today the leather sofa is getting a face lift and is being cleaned, buffed, sewn and refurbished back to it's new condition. This is in-home service uses all natural eco-friendly products and is odorless. Soon the family room will regain its "new" glow and the leather furniture will be good for another twenty years.

Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is Your Neighbor A Felon?

Always interested when new neighbors move in, an online service helps determine just how safe the neighbors really are. Felon Spy allows you to type in your address, including city and state, and suddenly a balloon appears on the screen indicating homes in the area that house a convicted felon. Scroll over the red balloon indicators and suddenly the person's name and offense is visible for all to see. Ouch.

Of course I had to try it and was somewhat surprised and genuinely concerned when several -- too many to count -- red balloons appeared on the screen in a two mile area. Crimes vary from vehicular homicide and attempted murder, to rape in the third degree. Some may say this site provides too much information, but the same information is also available on state crime sites. Keep reading. Before you decide to pack up and move from your alleged crime infested neighborhood, read one of the paragraphs from the Felon Spy site's Disclaimer and Terms of Agreement.

FelonSpy Pages FelonSpy Pages are completely random and fake. They are used solely to critique the sad state of our commercial, political, realities. You may not search FelonSpy on behalf of another individual or entity unless you are authorized to do so in writing (triplicate form). This includes fan FelonSpy Pages, as well as FelonSpy Pages to support or criticize another individual or entity including local county Sheriffs, other than Boss Hogg and Barney Fife. Sheriffs in New Hampshire, and Georgia should learn the term "to Google" FELONSPY DOES NOT PRE-SCREEN OR APPROVE FELONSPY NAMES, AND WILLNOT GUARANTEE ANYTHING AT ANYTIME AT ANYPLACE. Terms of Use, FelonSpy Pages are subject to and governed by certain laws that go beyond the galaxy most humans and similarly primitive life forms are aware of.

So there you have it. Check the site out if you want to -- I did -- but remember not every word of everything you read is true. Especially on Felon Spy.

Photo attribution: NWHerald

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Flower Garden Maintenance

Flower gardens are gorgeous when they are flowering, but not so good when leaves curl and turn brown. A recent couple of hot Chicagoland days were spent picking off dead leaves, replanting new healthy flowers, and watering profusely. You need to do the same to keep your plants healthy and flowering. The culprit has been a lack of rain in northwest Illinois -- yes, other areas are drowning in water, but not this area. Careful watering and pruning is the difference between happy healthy plants and those about to beat the dust.

Two days later -- today -- the flowers are again blooming profusely, standing upright, and saluting the sun. Scissors, clippers, sharp fingernails, and a container to catch the dead leaves were needed for this somewhat long and tedious garden party. Stay on top of your blooming plants -- water daily from the rainwater barrel, if you have one. Enjoy.
Photo attribution: somewhatfrank

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wedding Anniversary

Today is my wedding anniversary. As wedding vows proclaim, marriage is a union between two people joined together through good times and bad, sickness and health, rain or shine, knee surgeries and back surgeries, kitchen and bath remodels, and lots of repainting. Twenty-seven years of raising children and raising horses, twelve years of college tuition, two careers, career changes and lots of dinners out take us to today. Happy Anniversary to my spouse.
Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Whole Lot of Somewhat's Going On

Things got somewhat interesting recently in Washington DC with a whole of somewhat's going on. At a recent AOL book signing event for Sarah Lacy, BusinessWeek writer and author of Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good: The Rebirth of Silicon Valley and the Rise of Web 2.0, SOMEWHAT FRANK'S Frank Gruber and DC Tech TV's Michael Tolosa were Sarah's escorts. The AOL Web 2.0 start-up's meeting at the Dulles Campus and an after party hosted somewhat by iStrategyLabs, SOMEWHAT FRANK, and TECH cocktail kept Sarah, Mike and Frank somewhat busy. Sarah talks about her whirlwind trip to DC in her post, Somewhat Frank and Somewhat Michael Are Somewhat Awesome. Watch video of the event here, at Episode 34 of SOMEWHAT FRANK TV. I was somewhat interested in this and I hope you are as well.

NOTE: For those who wonder, somewhatfortyplus adopted the name from the ever successful blog, written by social media and tech expert, Frank Gruber.

Photo attribution: Jen Consalvo

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Post Miraclesuit Comments

As good as the Miraclesuit is, the model in the photo is obviously not obese, heavy, fat, or anything in between. She, like many women today, must suffer from a negative body image which forces her to wear the Miraclesuit. Or she was paid a bundle for the photo shoot. Just an after thought.

Miraclesuit Swim Suits

Buying jeans can be difficult and time consuming, but buying a swimsuit can be down right discouraging, until now. Miraclesuit swimsuits to the rescue with their claim, one can "look ten pounds slimmer in ten seconds." The suits of heavy duty Lycra Spandex "pull one in" and "suck it up," so to speak, in all the right places. Available in a variety of colors and styles, Miraclesuits range in price from $82 to $140, depending on the style and the venue. The suits can be purchased at several stores as well as online at sites including Nordstrom's and Eddie Bauer.

The secret in Miraclesuits is in Miratex®...a fabric with 3 times as much Lycra as other swimsuits. Patented Miratex fabric smoothes one's waist and tummy, slimming and contouring the body with three times as much Lycra spandex as regular spandex. The proud owner of two Miraclesuits, I know for a fact one will feel better and look better wearing a swimsuit with Miratex fabric. Going to the pool or beach can be more fun if one feels they look the best they can possibly look, and the Miraclesuit claim of looking ten pounds slimmer in ten seconds is true. Check them out.

Photo attribution: Nordstrom's

Friday, July 18, 2008

Best Wrinkle Creams

In constant pursuit of the best in wrinkle creams, moisturizers, eye creams and face serums, several products have been tried and tested by this somewhatfortyplus face. Some work and most don't, but what has worked the best for me to reduce facial wrinkles are: Bioelements Skin Diffusing Protector SPF 15 Moisturizing Sunscreen and IQ Derma Essentials Skintensive xCel High Potency Anti-Wrinkle Serum. Both of these products are fabulous and will honestly reduce fine lines as well as deeper lines on your face and neck. Honest.

IQ Derma boosts a completely age-less face as a result of using their products, and I have to agree. None of you would guess I'm really 178 years old, would you? Since a lady never reveals her age I certainly won't post it here, but I will say IQ Derma targets deep wrinkles and darkened age spots, as well as boosting collagen to make look great at any age. A quick click here and you will be able to try the product free, with $3.95 for shipping and handling. Do it. Try it yourself and see results in as little as 20 minutes. Once you try it you'll be back to order the Life Without Wrinkles Intensive Wrinkle Decreaser.

Give these a try and let me know how they work for you.

Photo attribution: somewhatfrank

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Miracle-Gro Boosts Flower Gardens

Gazing at the flower gardens is a wonderful way to decompress after a busy summer day. Yet the flowers don't just grow by themselves -- they are given a boost each week with Scott's Miracle-Gro, a product that promotes healthy growth, gorgeous blooms and a feast for one's eyes. With the aptly named product applied every 7 to 14 days, blooms are actually larger and have deeper colors. While this may sound like a commercial, it is based on facts from this gardener. Without weekly applications of Miracle-Gro, the flowers are wimpy, small, and deprived looking. See for yourself just how beautiful blooming plants can be with weekly applications of Miracle-Gro. Plants are taller, seem to spread more and are visually more impressive, thanks to Scott's Miracle-Gro. Available at Home Depot, Menards, and even Ace Hardware stores, be sure to purchase the hose applicator to make your life easier and your plants prettier.

Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bioelements Moisture Positive Cleaner

A new facial cleansing product, Bioelements Moisture Positive Cleanser, has been a huge success at thoroughly and gently cleansing this somewhatfortylplus face for the past six weeks. For combination to dry skin, the gentle cleanser leaves the skin soft, moisturized and extremely clean without stripping the skin of natural oils, leaving it pH balanced and supple, not tight, as some cleansers. The product goes on damp skin, is massaged in and rinsed off with warm water. The skin feels wonderfully hydrated. Available at several online sites, the best price of $22.95 for a 6 ounce bottle is here.

The active ingredients include: Ginseng, Sumac, Gotu Kola, Dong Quai and Watercress -- to support and strengthen the skin, helping it with stand daily stress; sandalwood -- to heal and soothe skin; sage -- for healing skin tissue; geranium -- used as an astringent and for regenerating skin; rosemary -- as an antiseptic and for balancing and rejuvenating skin; and lavender -- as an antiseptic and for healing skin.

While several skin cleansers are on the market, Bioelements got it right with their Moisture Positive Cleanser.

Photo attribution: Bioelements

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lucy Leaves the Herd

Lucy, the American Quarter Horse Bay mare, left the herd yesterday to start a new life in a stable a short distance away. As the day of Lucy's departure drew near, her upcoming loss to the herd became a discussion point. Since horse herds bond as families, when one of the herd is removed the remaining horses grieve at their loss. The thought of Belle, Sammy and Annie missing their friend and/or mother was painful. As the alpha mare of the herd, Lucy told the other horses what to do and when to do it. It was not uncommon to see Lucy nipping at one of the herd to get that horse "in line."

A few weeks earlier, Curly, the one year old colt of Lucy, also left the farm and joined a group of reining horses at a stable about 10 miles away. Reining is a competitive sport where horses are judged on their ability to perform maneuvers similar to a figure skater. Reining horses can earn millions of dollars performing in events across the country. Coming from a long line of reining horses, Curly will be the top dog, errr horse, in the competition. When Curly left the herd a few weeks ago none of the horses seemed to miss him, including his mother, Lucy. There was no running, no seeking, and no nickering. His buddy, the other year old colt, Sammy, stood gazing into space as if wondering where his partner in crime was hiding.

Lucy's departure was somewhat heart-wrenching to this somewhatfortyplus horse breeder. Watching Lucy load into the trailer from afar, I wondered what she was thinking. Her new farm houses several horses, and Lucy will probably check them all out and again become the alpha mare sooner, rather then later, unless the new place has an alpha mare who has stronger dominance tendencies than Lucy. The new owner, a horse trainer by trade who had been with Lucy several times prior to driving away with her, will be back with us on a regular basis as she prepares Sammy for the next phase in his life, accepting riders.

The herd is smaller today. Sorrel horse Belle is pregnant, due in late April or early May. Sammy, the year old sorrel colt, was running and jumping in the pasture with Annie, the five month old filly at his side. Tired from their frolicking in the grass, Sammy, Annie and Belle laid down in the sun behind the barn and took their morning nap, at peace with the world.

Photo attribution: somewhatfrank

Saturday, July 12, 2008

American Airlines Kudos

Traveling can be a wonderful experience if all goes as planned, but if an accident occurs, traveling can be a nightmare. On a recent return trip from Captiva Island to Chicagoland an accident required special services from American Airlines. One of the travelers, who was riding in a wheelchair from a previous back injury, was catapult out of the chair and into the street where he lay spread-eagle on the road. In front of an oncoming bus. The wheelchair came to an unscheduled sudden stop when the road was a smidgen higher than the curb ramp. When the wheelchair stopped, the passenger kept on going. The wheelchair then hit and dislocated the right kneecap of this somewhatfortyplus traveler who stood nauseatingly pushing the kneecap back into place, while staring at the victim in the roadway.

Passengers traveling with us ran to the aid of the victim in the road and fortunately the bus screeched to a halt before squishing the victim. Security and police officers suddenly appeared, and according to airport rules, EMT's were called. The victim was quickly examined but refused treatment so the flight, in less then one hour, could be boarded. The victim agreed to seek medical treatment upon landing at O'Hare Airport.

American Airlines stepped up and quickly checked us in, took our luggage, and escorted us through security, with an employee pushing the wheelchair herself. Getting to the boarding gate, the AA employee moved our seats to an ideal location in the aircraft so flight attendants could continually treat the victim's injuries with ice bags, drinks, and kind words. In the rush to get to the boarding gate the name of the wonderful employee was never learned, but she deserves thanks. American Airlines made a terrible situation workable with their personal aid. Once on board, the injured traveler sat with his broken wrist supported by blankets and ice. A medication was administered to ease pain. As for me, the kneecap eventually stopped throbbing, though the wrist pain didn't ease for several days. A cast on the injured limb will remain for several weeks.

In spite of all the trouble airlines are having, it is important to praise employees who step up and help travellers in need. The personnel at the Fort Myers, Florida American Airlines counter were fabulous and we are grateful. Thank you American Airlines for making this wonderful vacation, with the sudden downward twist, end well. American Airlines rocks!
Photo attribution: American Airlines

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Week Ago....

A week ago I was on an island, basking in the sun next to the pool, gazing at the ocean, drinking cold bubbly with people I love. How nice it would be to return for just a few hours to watch the shade shift across the pool; sit on the veranda with family and a Greek Salad; study the dolphins swimming near the shore; evaluate the level of tanning on previously light skin; nibble on cheese and fruit in the cabana; cool off in the refreshing pool; contemplate where to eat dinner, and determine the best place to watch the sun sink into the Gulf.

Vacations are necessary to keep one focused on life. Vacations should be required every four to five weeks. Vacations are connections to the lives of loved ones. Vacations are rebuilding and retooling one's spirit. Vacations are under-rated.

Photo attribution: somewhatfrank

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Food Allergies

Anyone with food allergies worries about every morsel of food they ingest outside of their own kitchen. Ingredients in a recipe served in private or public can contain hidden foods or flavorings the chef is unaware will cause an allergic reaction. An increasing problem, scientists estimate that the approximately 12 million Americans who suffer from food allergies often come from families with hay fever, asthma and eczema.

Food allergies can occur in anyone at any time, often without prior warning. According to The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, "a food allergy is an immune system response to a food that the body mistakenly believes is harmful." Food that had previously been considered safe to eat can suddenly cause a serious reaction. According to FAAN, once the immune system decides that a particular food is harmful, it creates specific antibodies to that food. The next time the individual eats the food to which they are allergic, the immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, including histamine, to protect the body. These chemicals trigger a cascade of allergic symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and/or cardiovascular system. An allergic reaction to a food may include one or more of the following symptoms: a tingling sensation in the mouth, swelling of the tongue and the throat, difficulty breathing, hives, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and even death. The person may even feel disoriented as if in a trance, unable to talk, function or move. Symptoms typically appear within minutes to two hours after the person has eaten the food to which he or she is allergic.

Eight foods that account for 90% of food allergies include milk, peanuts, eggs, tree nuts (like walnuts and cashews), fish, shell fish, soy and wheat. As a member of the food allergy group, constant vigilance is the difference between a night on the town and a night in the ER. On a recent family vacation to Captiva Island, at the beginning of each restaurant meal the server was made aware of all food allergies by being handed a business card that listed each item. The server then suggested safe foods on the menu, free of cross contamination on the grill or in the kitchen. Boiled shrimp or lobster create food vapors in the air that cause serious allergic reactions when the fish protein becomes airborne during cooking. Breathing in the airborne fish protein can result in serious allergic reactions as if the shell fish had been ingested. According to the FAAN website, even some individuals have had reactions from walking through a fish market.

Is there a solution? Making the food server aware of food allergies is primary to avoid a life threatening incident. Carrying an Epi-pen or strong anti-histamines will help treat the symptoms once they appear, hopefully allowing the affected person to get medical treatment. Other solutions include staying home, living in a bubble, or accepting one's allergies and living with them.

Photo attribution: somewhatfrank

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

South Seas Vacation

Family vacations are under-rated. Spending time together on the beach is a healthy and wholesome activity useful for re-connecting busy lives and catching up on hopes and dreams. While some may be unable to cope with multiple days of togetherness, this group managed to eat breakfast harbor side each morning, munch lunch on the veranda or a chaise at the pool or beach, and then casually enjoy dinner at one of many seaside restaurants. No fighting. No pulling of hair. No throwing of sand.

Reconnecting with the lives of adult children in various professions is a worthwhile investment paying memorable dividends on dark winter nights. Watching joy and awe on faces as the sun once again slides into the gulf reminds one enjoying nature is ageless. Ordering breakfast next to 60 foot cruisers and sailboats makes one long for adventure. A dolphin swimming under the window in search of food was a natural wonder that was more appreciated each day. The gigantic humpty-dumpty shaped manatees huddled together against the breakwater breathing oxygen were an unexpected treat that prompted a daily manatee search.

And then it was over. Hugs, kisses, more hugs, and eyes feeling moist as one adult child heads back to the east coast; hugs and kisses as another son and his bride head to the mainland for a short visit with her family, and feelings of appreciation as an adult daughter and her husband drive us to the airport. Back to Chicagoland we go for more summer, more sunshine and more family events in the near future. Thanks for a wonderful family celebration.
Photo attribution: somewhatfrank

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Neutrogena Age Shield FACE Sunblock

Protecting one's face from the ravages of sunburn has been a personal pursuit for the past fifteen to twenty years as birthdays keep adding up. On a recent island vacation, Neutrogena Age Shield FACE Sunblock with a SPF of 55 provided superior anti-aging oil-free non-greasy protection that needs to be shared. This "advanced sunscreen technology" actually shields skin six layers deep from skin aging UVA rays that will later need the help of a plastic surgeon. The new dermatologist-tested formula, which is available with SPF's from 55 to 85, contains Helioplex technology, the latest breakthrough in UV protection. According to the manufacturer, "Helioplex delivers unbeatable UVA protection and works better to help prevent damaging UVA rays from penetrating deep under skin’s surface" which would result in additional wrinkles, sagging skin, and discoloration. Protecting one's face from harm is easier than the alternative surgical repair from sun abuse. After six days of using the sunblock with the SPF of 55 in the hot island sun, my face was not burned but it did receive somewhat of a light tan. In the afternoon each day, as the sun burned hotter, I switched to the sunblock with the higher SPF of 70 for additional skin protection.

Neutrogena Age Shield FACE sunblock works in two unique ways to protect the skin: it helps screen out damaging UVB burning rays, and it also helps stop UVA skin aging rays from penetrating the skin's surface. The ultra light formula was easy to apply and non-greasy, leaving a non-shiny surface. It was also applied to the neck and chest area to avoid burning and additional problems that would result. For anyone hoping for a tan without the usual skin sagging that results years down the road, grab a tube of Neutrogena's Age Shield FACE sunblock and start using it now, before you wish you had. Grade: A+
Photo Attribution: Neutrogena

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fourth of July Greetings

July is a hot month in Chicagoland -- yet this July is different as the air is cooler, the temperature is in the 80's and the humidity is up and down. The Fourth of July is a family celebration, complete with sunscreen, swimming and bug spray. As busy as you all are, take a moment to smell the flowers, watch the birds, and reflect on what a wonderful life you have. Here's hoping your Fourth is fun, memorable and safe.
Photo attribution: somewhatfrank

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wedding Photos to Go

Since weddings are often a blur, photos remind the couple of the memorable event. Before the bride and groom return from their getaway, all 600 photos of the wedding will be printed and placed in three leather bound photo albums for their viewing pleasure. While it is true Google's Picasa allows easy photo sharing, seeing printed pictures provides limitless pleasure. Ritz Camera was the selected vendor to print the contents of the three CD's provided to them. "One hour photo" is their claim to fame, but since they are only capable of printing 200 photos per hour, three plus hours later the pictures were completed.

Ritz Camera offers a "club" that allows high volume printed photos at a reduced fee, so of course I am now a member of yet another club. I saved $45 by joining, enough for at least one leather bound photo album. All 600 + photos are now arranged in three albums for Jack and Taryn's enjoyment in the near future. Until then the pages will be frequently turned by members of this somewhatfortyplus household.
Photo attribution: somewhatfrank