Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hard Soles - Away With You!

After a summer of sandals, beaches, pool concrete and going barefoot, hard soles can be a problem for many. What to do? Pedicures are only part of the answer, as rough calloused skin in smoothed away at the spa, only to return far too quickly. CalleX to the rescue.

According to the manufacturer, CalleX Ointment thins and softens hardened skin and exfoliates dry, cracked heels. Its patented, natural enzymes selectively exfoliate only dry, cracked, thickened and scaly skin while its petrolatum base retains natural skin moisture. There are no magic ingredients, only Petrolatum, U.S.P., protease (subtilisin), aminopeptidase, natural peppermint oil.

Easy to use and low priced, $15 for a two month supply, CalleX Ointment is applied to rough and hardened skin twice daily after bathing, or rubbing the skin with a wet washcloth. Always a skeptic, buying the product was the hard part, using it was simple. Take shower, rough up feet with a cloth or towel, apply CalleX. Wait to see what happens.

What happened is this: the feet feel smoother almost immediately but also somewhat greasy, so place a few sheets of toilet paper (4 sheets will do per foot) on the floor, then put the newly greased foot on the TP, being sure it is long enough to tuck the edges in between the toes to anchor it. This will prevent the CalleX from staining carpets or any floor surface. This also works if the ointment is applied before bedtime, and keeps the sheets from appearing stained. But why do feet get so dry, you wonder? Feet have fewer oil glands than any other part of the body, allowing feet of all ages to dry out quickly in the summer. As one gets older, skin becomes naturally drier, permitting feet to dry out super quickly, until now. CalleX works wonders and is one of my all time favorite beauty picks that will be used consistently over the next several months. Available at Walgreen's and CVS Pharmacies, this is one ointment everyone should be using as a way of improving the feet of America.

Photo attribution: CalleX Ointment

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