Friday, October 26, 2007

Sonoma Diet To The Rescue - Again

Eighteen months ago, in April of 2006, I went on yet another diet in pursuit of a slimmer more svelte body. If I were to number each attempt at weight loss, this would be Diet 142, or 3, or, you get the picture. But this time I followed sage advice from my husband's homeland, Greece, and I used olive oil, Kalamato olives, tomatoes, whole wheat pita, fish and fresh vegetables. I bought the book, The Sonoma Diet, read it and followed it, and in a few short weeks had lost 2o pounds.

The Sonoma Diet is actually a lifestyle that allows one to eat, drink wine, and relax while losing unwanted fat from the prime fat location on any woman: the stomach. Based on the eating habits of those living in the Mediterranean area, the Sonoma diet asks one to divide their dinner plate into fourths, filling two fourths (or one half) 0f the plate with salad and veggies, one fourth of the plate with a whole wheat carb, and one fourth with a protein. The goal is to eat more veggies and fewer carbs while removing anything "white" from the diet: no white flour, no sugar of any sort, and during the first 10 days, no fruit.

Amazing things happen around the 12th day -- the scale indicates a loss of anywhere from five to ten pounds, and the weight stays off. I have been amazed at the difference in my eating habits since April of 2006; I have been happy with Greek Salads and know where to find the best ones in Chicagoland. I have Greek olives in my refrigerator at all times, and I am not hungry, except for air popped popcorn. My weight has been maintained, for the most part, but I am back on Sonoma big time again to lose five pounds that found their way back on with the hot summer ice cream splurge(s).

Today the scale was again my friend, as I have lost two pounds in about four days by following the Sonoma diet plan. My staple is a wonderful mixture of brown rice and wild rice that I make and then eat as my carb for breakfast and dinner. I fill in with other carbs, proteins and veggies. Here is the recipe:

1 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1 1/2 cup of wild rice, 1 large can (that holds 6 cups) of chicken broth, a large diced onion, and some parsley, dill, basil, salt and black pepper. I cook it for about 30 minutes and then let it rest to reabsorb the liquid.

This tastes great --- hot or cold, it is good to eat. Add some cooked chicken or fish and it is a complete meal, except you need to eat 1/2 a plate of veggies as well. So give it a try -- I have, and if it works for me, it will work for you as long as you don't cheat and eat anything white....unless it is popcorn from Trader Joe's.

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