Monday, October 29, 2007

Blogger Boy

Sharing one's hobbies with others might excite the hobbyist, but not necessarily excite the one receiving the hobby information. Blogger boy (BB), my middle child, is a blogger who blogs constantly about all things related to technology. He knows everything there is to know about computers, technology, html, web 2.0, widgets and TECH cocktails. He works for a large media company you may have heard of.

BB rarely sits still, but when he does he is blogging, posting, researching, and then writing so he can post to his blog, which is somewhat popular. From BB I've learned about the latest tech innovations, start ups, methods, and that web 2.0 meant there was a web 1.0 at some time, some where. I didn't know that.

Recently I heard a lot about widgets, which I previously thought were small furry animals who walked on two legs and appeared to be quite happy carefree spirits. They tended to appear in movies a lot and around Halloween, which made me wonder why BB was involved with the little creatures, especially in the early spring, and why a large media company would even care about the little guys.

Widgets are not furry and they are not alive, in the blood-thumping-through-the-veins kind of way. While I am still not able to define a widget, as I was going to for this post, I do know widgets are an after market add-on to a site, like this one. I have a widget -- it is the cute little button that has RSS next to it that allows the reader to get emails about this site. Apparently a widget is a helpful device that optimizes a website. So while some family members might not be listening all the time to what BB shares, I am. That's all I know for now, and I learned that from BB and his blog, which is somewhat interesting and certainly somewhat frank.

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