Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ghosts, Goblins and Candy

I love chocolate, I just don't eat chocolate, it gives me a migraine. Chocolate appears everywhere, yet it seems to be most plentiful in individually wrapped servings late in October when tradition allows somewhat normal individuals to dress as something they are not, so they may traipse through darkness going from house to house begging for something they could have purchased themselves for $3.99.

Because of my allergy to chocolate, coupled with my fear of strangers, as well as the darkness itself, Halloween has never been one of my favorite holidays. Opening the door to strangers is something my mother specifically said not to do, yet on October 31 it becomes a free for all. Previously locked doors are flung open as short greedy and gnarly beasts yell indistinguishable statements at the home owner standing in the doorway.

Living in the outer burbs of Chicagoland has its advantages at Halloween. We never have "trick or treaters" at our door, yet I purchase bags of chocolate candy bars, just in case this year is different and a bus stops at our drive way and its entire population is released to gather goodies. This year is no different. A visit to Costco provided a bag of 200 mixed mini bars that lie in ready near the front door. The pumpkins will be carved tonight, and their candles will be lit on Wednesday afternoon, welcoming goblins to our door. Who am I kidding? We have an electric pumpkin now that the kids are grown, it is much easier to "clean" -- just plug it in and it's all ready to scare who ever shows up.Note: All left over candy is eaten by my husband, for those who wonder. Most of you already knew that.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are not saying you are not going to be making pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving?

Paulette said...

Pumpkin pie will be had by one and all at Thanksgiving. So you must have received an invitation.