Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thoroughly Modern Milly

Aging takes it's toll on all of us as each new line breaks the surface and aches and pains slowly startle us as we stiffly move into what once were comfortable positions. A little stretching later and we're "good to go." Sometimes one's attitude shifts from being excessively positive to less then happy, sending one into a downward spiral along with the lines and aches and pains. But not always.

Milly arrived ten days ago for a lengthy holiday visit, and once she rested a bit from her travels, she has not missed a beat. Rising at 5:30 or 6:00 each morning, Milly peacefully sips a cup of coffee, thinned out since it is much too strong, and catches up on the previous night's events with Fox News. Where I go, she goes, except to work with me which would actually be a good thing. Off to the mall, Milly is riding shotgun. To Costco to get a few things, Milly is pushing the cart. Milly was my partner as we hit UPS, the cleaners, Trader Joe's, and four or five mattress stores. Always dressed fashionably, with her Estee Lauder make-up and whatever else it takes, Milly is ready to greet the world and explore what it has to offer. Since aging makes one somewhat colder as the temperature drops, Milly is the proud owner of a new bathrobe and matching pajamas purchased for her yesterday to help keep her warm. As we sat sipping our coffee, mine diluted with cream and her's cut with water, the Chicago Tribune provided the reading material and Milly was snugly in her new pink duds. Though she doesn't look it nor act it, and people are shocked to hear it, Milly will be 86 years young in January.

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