Monday, November 12, 2007

Pro's of Probiotics

We care for our sewer system, worry about our school system, question the political system, but do we ever think about our digestive system? A happy and healthy digestive system keeps us from experiencing one of life's most uncomfortable problems always at the most inopportune time: abdominal discomfort, flatulence, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. None of the above are enticing and none are something to covet; keeping them at bay is a goal with which to strive.

Always one to possess a somewhat healthy digestive system, the idea of taking a supplement to ensure continued excellent digestive health is an interesting concept. Didn't even know I needed this. Knew I needed vitamin A, B, C, D, and E, calcium and fish oil, but didn't know I needed probiotics. Align is a daily probiotic supplement that helps one build and maintain a healthy digestive system to keep all working parts actually working. Each capsule contains 1 billion Bifantis bacteria that introduce healthy good bacteria into one's system to help with digestion.

Though I've never had digestive disorders, I have been taking Align for two months and see no difference. That does not mean taking Align is not necessary or not working. Imagine how much discomfort I could have experienced just two weeks ago when I ate chili for three days straight. Nothing happened. Or when I ate all the three-bean salad and again nothing happened. The bags of Trader Joe's popcorn were fine. Beans, cabbage, lentils, legumes, I eat them all and nothing happens to my digestive system, apparently because it is healthy and I have kept all discomfort at bay. Maybe my digestive health is aligned and I am caring for my digestive system don't even know it.
Photo attribution: you can count on me

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