Monday, November 26, 2007

Cyber Monday: Wish List Attack

The first Monday that follows Thanksgiving, known as Cyber Monday, is the day employees apparently take several breaks from their jobs and purchase Christmas gifts online. Kudos to the one who came up with this grand scheme as it saves time, frustration and stress for the purchaser, resulting in a happier and more relaxed employee. Buying online was accomplished by this writer on Saturday and Sunday when countless emails, offering free shipping and discounts from 15 % to 25 % off regular prices, arrived on screen.

Buying for adult children can be tricky unless carefully constructed Wish Lists are sent en mass early in the season. Blogger Boy sent his Christmas Wish List in mid November, and several clicks later a few items will no longer be just wishes. Law School Boy is always easy to buy for: he wears Brooks Brothers well and prefers a few good things from his favorite retailer along with a book or two. Jessica hasn't sent her Wish List yet, but it is expected to arrive shortly, maybe even today and will include clothes, a spa visit or two, and other interesting surprises.

More online bargains arrived this morning, so sometime today I could join the masses in the cyber Monday buying spree and decide what will soon arrive at this address. Note to boss: of course I will wait till I return home this evening to shop online. Note to HR directors: a great perk for all would be unlimited cyber shopping anytime. Employees would be happier, and more real work would be accomplished. What a grand idea.
Photo attribution: somewhat frank

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