Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Mac

Everyone loves a party, and the birthday celebration cake of the day was a rich chocolate two layer with butter cream filling and creamy whipped chocolate frosting. The birthday girl was turning thirteen and entering her teenage years in less then a week, so her wishes were granted and chocolate was the only flavor option. Just in case there wasn't enough chocolate, additional pieces of Snicker bars were carefully set on top of each swirl of frosting, guaranteeing a piece of chocolate heaven to all who had the courage to eat a slice. The richness of the cake cried out for a scoop of Breyer's vanilla ice cream, along with a big glass of cold milk to wash it all down. Thirteen candles to blow out, and this soon-to-be-thirteen year old young lady was moving to the next birthday party stage: opening of the gifts. What she got from who or whom is her news, not mine. Greenbacks seemed to be the consistent gift, though gold coins jingled their way out of one card.

Always a sweet and courteous girl, Mac is entering her teen years in seven short days. Who is this child? Willowy and tall, Mac eats only when she is hungry, then she packs it down, with a chaser of fresh vegetables and ranch dressing. Except today, when chocolate cake was her chaser. A horse lover, Mac rides twice weekly at a stable near her home and her skills are apparent as she carefully mounts Lucy (not her real name). After a little trotting and cantering, Mac lets Lucy run and it is hard to tell who is enjoying it more, Mac or the mare.

Birthday celebrations are such a memorable part of every person's life and so important as children move further away emotionally from their parents with each year. Honoring the child with a party, be it a large family event or a small gathering of school friends, reminds the child of their value as a human being who is loved and cherished. It also allows parents to hug their child and hold them tightly in their arms, one more time before they rush off to college, graduate school, work, life. So much is ahead of Mac as she moves into her teenage years. With her love of horses, her sweet temperament and her academic success, along with strong family support and common sense, she has an exciting time ahead. I hugged Mac and held her tight today before she left. Happy Birthday to you.
Photo attribution: somewhat frank

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