Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blogging High

Everyone has a creative side, though some are unable to latch onto it and experience all it has to offer. It's there, under layers of protective clothing, eager to be discovered and released. English professors have known it for years: the more you write the better you write, and the better you write the more you write. This also applies to blogging, a disciplined type of writing that requires one to discuss a variety of topics on a regular basis in an established style on the web.

Blogging is the magnifying glass to the world, allowing the writer to see things through "new eyes." Blogging can increase creativity, sensory ability, and writing skills. For this detail oriented person, blogging has opened my eyes to the world around me that was already fully visible, but somewhat hum-drum and routine, until now. Writing a blog forces one to see things with eyes wide open, as though seeing them for the first time. The good feeling one gets when returning home from a business trip or even a vacation is experienced everyday from blogging. Candles have a new aura about them, leaves and rocks look more interesting through the lens of a camera, and a portion of an object can become more interesting then the whole. The beauty of a child's smile, a shadow on a flower, or a leaf gracefully swirling toward the earth are all seen as if for the first time. A greater depth of life is experienced and seeing old things in a new way is youthful and good for the soul. Blogging achieves this.

Some will say they are unable to blog, it's too hard, too scary, too open, too personal. Hogwash. These are the very folks who need to establish a blog and start writing posts; soon they will amazed at the positive physical result. They will feel good. They will feel proud. They will increase their critical thinking skills. Events that had been occurring regularly and had become routine will be viewed differently. Lemons in a bowl, tomatoes on a window sill, or water in one square of a screen are all interesting photos that can be examined in 500 words. With eyes opened to the big world, a blogger will experience life from a new perspective. All this without a drop of scotch or a handful of chocolate truffles. Blogging is a healthy "high" and I'm addicted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear I didn't give you any of my koolaid over the holidays. Good post. I agree with you. This is what I have been saying for years now. :)