Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kindness Begins With Me

There is no place in society for rude behavior, be it in young or old, rich or poor. Rudeness is a negative trait, similar to spitting on the sidewalk, only worse. Out of place year round, rudeness is particularly bad during the holiday season, which we have now entered. Rudeness should be banned, and tickets should be issued for snotty behavior, to be replaced with kindness, smiles and feelings of genuine gratitude.

The workplace is often considered the worse place for rude behavior, but why? Could it be the quest for the title, or the urge to be number one? Is being "right" always the right thing to be? Civility is chic and always in order, no matter the time or the place. Employers need to enforce the kindness rule and dole out rewards to those who are civil. If snide remarks surface at meetings, then the snide-remarker should be banned from the lunchroom. Begin today by being calm and courteous, kind and caring. "Please" and "thank you" will slip off your tongue and a smile will freeze on your face, in a pre-Botox infant kind of way. Together we can overthrow the rude ones out there with an enormous dose of smiling cheerfulness. I'm on it and I'm clicking my heels together as I smilingly publish this post.
Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

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