Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What to Wear: Black-tie Optional

Never wanting to look like some body's mother, it is often difficult to decide what to wear to a black-tie optional event in Chicagoland. Black hose or natural? Long or short skirt? Hair up or down? So many questions to be answered before the April 3 event. So little time. According to Charla Krupp, author of How Not to Look Old: Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger, 10 Pounds Lighter, 10 Times Better, "for all but the most ultra-formal affairs, any length (skirt) from knee to shoe is acceptable these days for black tie events. Choose the length depending on whether you want to show off shapely legs. But too long can look dowdy." Don't want to look dowdy.

Charla continues, "Long skirt: Whether you're looking at a casual version or a long gown for a black tie event, long can look OL (old lady). It's much more chic to show a little leg." Long skirt is out, short skirt is in. Covering one's legs in Chicagoland is also a dilemma, especially in early April when the weather could be quite chilly and un-tanned legs are unattractive. The authority on all things stylish, Charla believes the only thing to wear on one's legs so as not to look OL, are either black tights, sheer black nylons, small black fishnets, or bare legs.

What to wear? It has become simple -- an above the knee black pencil skirt, sheer black hose, black Italian pumps, and either a fitted black lace short jacket, or a fitted pink silk jacket. Both are couture, both are black-tie caliber, and both will work; the decision will be made on the day of the event based on weather and the moon. One more thing --- hair will be down and there will be only three pieces of bling: studs, necklace and beautiful Mary Francis purse. Added bling: good-looking son in his tuxedo.
Photo attribution: somewhatfrank


Anonymous said...

Hello :)

Tiny typo:

"... based on weather and the MOON."

Do you mean MOOD? I suppose one could make clothing decisions based on the moon, but I thought I'd check just in case :)

- Grammar Geek

(PS: I like the planned outfit - shoot for opaque tights with the pink jacket... very "now" over here on the East Coast.)

Paulette said...

I so appreciate your help with this site and look forward to your comments. In this case, I actually did mean "based on the moon," as in one's mood is often determined by the phase of the moon. Either "moon" or "mood" would work, however. I am planning on the pink silk jacket with opaque tights. I always try on the outfit and take a photo to see how it will look -- good, in this case. The pink jacket is gorgeous and will really "pop." Thank you for your much appreciated comments.