Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Annie Greets the World

Sooner or later one must leave the safety of home and venture forth into the big world. One month old American Quarter Horse filly, Annie, did just that one fine day not too long ago. While many are afraid to leave home, fearful of what might be discovered, Annie was not one of them. The stall door opened and mom Lucy sauntered into the barn, followed by one happy month old Annie. As each passed the sliding barn door their pace quickened, and the race was on. Joined by another mare who resided in the adjacent stall, the three ran through the pasture kicking mud onto the left-over snow. Annie didn't blink -- she kept on running with the best of them, getting dirtier and dirtier, with almost a smile on her cute face. She seemed to love it and has been outside several times since. See for yourself.
Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She seems to like to run around. Very cute. :)