Saturday, March 8, 2008

Flu Finds A Home

When 86 year old Milly started vomiting at 3 in the morning something was wrong. That "something" continued violently for ten more hours. The much talked about flu had hit home and I was the designated cleaner. Reports of the flu gone wild have been in the news almost every night and according to the Center for Disease Control, (which apparently needs a new name) influenza type flu (vomiting etc.) is widespread as the worst of the worst, but until it strikes your abode it isn't as bad as it sounds. Let this me your warning: it is worse then it sounds.

Consider this, in order to enter the room and keep from gagging a folded scarf was placed over my nose and tied in the back, then a face mask was placed over that. Latex gloves went on next, and with an armful of garbage bags, along with Oust and Lysol Disinfectant spray I was ready to go in. Keeping the area clean is important, and as queen of clean, my job was cut out for me. Spray, wipe, respray, wipe again until the entire bathroom was thoroughly disinfected and looked as good as new. All hanging towels were in the laundry, as were the rugs and other soft items that could hold germs. Paper towels are the only towels available in this bathroom.

To spare you the awful details, assume that in order to survive the flu you must have the following items on hand, you can connect the dots: face masks, latex gloves to clean disgusting areas, many garbage bags, large Zip-Lock bags in which to throw up, seal shut and hand to the designated cleaner to drop into the garbage outside of the home. Lysol Spray, Oust Spray to remove germs and odors, as many candles and matches as are available in hopes of removing awful odors. Several rolls of paper towels, with one roll in the bathroom at a time, Imodium AD heavy strength formula, Tylenol, cans of Ginger Ale to attempt to soothe the stomach, bendable straws and a hope this will soon pass.

According to the internist who has recorded a message sent to all who call in with the flu, "the stomach flu is severe and lasts for 12 to 24 hours. If the vomiting continues after 12 hours go to the emergency room." Milly only vomited ten hours. "The diarrhea is severe and you need to take Imodium according to the package directions." Done -- two Imodium by mouth at 3:00 p.m. "If the patient shows no improvement, take them to the emergency room." After sleeping for almost two and one-half hours, Milly feels better but has horrible body ache -- hopefully she is on the mend and hopefully this bug won't be passed on.......

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