Thursday, March 6, 2008

Plastic Surgery for Eye Cysts

Seven days, seven hours at the plastic surgeon, seventeen stitches, countless ice packs and various shades of red and yellow--- that's how I spent my week. Life is full of surprises and when four cysts were removed from the outer corner of the left eye where the eyelids join, as well as the upper eyelid, surprise is only one of several emotions. Caused by inflammation, rubbing, and other unknown things, cysts can appear in any part of the body and often can be treated without surgery, but not in this case. The treatment for a cyst depends upon the cause of the cyst, along with its location. Cysts that are very large and result in symptoms due to their size may be surgically removed. Sometimes the fluid contained within a cyst can be drained, or aspirated, by inserting a needle into the cyst cavity, resulting in collapse of the cyst, but not in this case.

Injection to deaden area. Slice open. Hear cutting sounds as cysts are removed. More cutting sounds. Smell burning tissue as cauterizing takes place. Feel pulling as stitches are tied, again and again and again. Feel pressure as new area is opened. Hear cutting sound; smell burning tissue. Slight pull. Done with cyst removal. Breathe.

Since eye tissue is fragile and thin, significant swelling and bruising can and will occur. The first surgical procedure was Friday, the photo was taken on Sunday. Stitches were removed after four days, on Tuesday, and healing was progressing well. On day six, today, the upper area opened and bled significantly, resulting in four additional stitches. At the suggestion of the surgeon, no anesthetic was injected to numb the area. It hardly hurt and not worth the injection, which really hurt.

Stitches will again be removed on Tuesday at 2:00. The area will again resemble the photo. Bruising will result. Ice packs will be used non stop. Sunglasses will be donned. Stitches will come out after five days this time, not four. So how did you spend the past week?
Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

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