Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One Week Old Annie

Babies are surprisingly the same, whether human or horse, quickly changing every day and totally dependent on their mothers for all their needs. Watch one week old quarter horse, Annie, do what other babies do: eat, jump, kick, eat again, wobble, suddenly jump (at 1 minute 35 seconds into the video), and then eat again. The short 3 minute film includes snorting, nickering, and of course eating, demonstrating Annie's new found skills. Human babies require nursing every two hours, and Annie seems to surpass that with her continuous attempts to gain nourishment. Still a baby, Annie sleeps several hours each day while wearing her newborn-sized Weathabeater Baby Blanket to keep warm in this somewhat chilly Chicagoland barn. Annie's mother nudges her ever so lovingly in the film, reminding us all mothers know best. Note: If you are unable to activate the video, push the spacebar and then "enter" -- it will start.
Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

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