Monday, February 18, 2008

Melissa's Tulips

Few flowers herald the arrival of spring as well as tulips -- promising warmer days, butterflies and an array of colorful seasonal blooms. Tulips appear early and continue to bloom late, spreading joy with each new spurt. Long tulips gracefully hang over their container, dancing toward the table or counter on which they are displayed. Thanks to Melissa, a friend who shared a useful hint, my tulips now stand straight, as if saluting the ceiling. How did they go from droopy to dazzlingly straight? Melissa suggested adding one cup of vodka or gin to the water, then sitting back and watching the stems straighten up. Others at dinner wondered if such a simple addition could make such an enormous difference. One cup of gin was added to the water and the results are visible in the photo. Amazingly straight stemmed tulips now stand majestically in the dining room. Thank you Melissa and Brian for the beautiful tulips and thank you Melissa for that amazing tulip tip. Come back real soon.
Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

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