Thursday, February 7, 2008

Is Distance Learning for You?

A firm believer in life-long learning and an online instructor for years, distance education is a superior way to learn in the comfort of one's home, in one's pajamas, in one's favorite chair. Online classes are offered at most four year colleges and universities, as well as junior or community colleges. Associate degrees, Bachelor degrees, and even Master degrees can be completed successfully online from a variety of colleges and universities. The University of Nebraska even offers doctorate degrees online, along with several other noted schools. If the working world has gotten to you, 18 credits of teaching credentials can be earned at Nebraska and a new career option becomes available.

One school, Fresno Pacific University , offers three new Master of Science degrees online in the fall of '08 in Curriculum, with an emphasis on Teaching, School Library and Media Technology, or Kinesiology, with an emphasis on either Physical Education or Athletic Training. Many schools have gotten into the business of offering complete degrees online, allowing working adults the opportunity to complete graduate credits as they work their way toward their Master's Degree or Doctorate. Jacksonville Community College, a leader in distance learning, hosts a complete virtual campus, virtual degree, and virtual classes, under the guidance of a real person, Dr. Julie Guiliani. The Public Broadcasting System, PBS, offers excellent two graduate credit online opportunities in instructional strategies, technology, math, reading and science.

Anyone can enroll in online classes and several current students are fighting on the front lines in Iraq; since they can do it, so can you. If online courses sound intriguing, check them out and see if they might work for your career advancement and enhance your life as well. At least you would have something new to talk about at dinner, and that dear reader, is priceless.
Photo attribution: somewhat frank

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