Friday, February 15, 2008

Baby Steps

As the mother of three adult children I have witnessed several "firsts," first teeth, first steps, and first words -- all special moments when previously new and uncharted experiences became accessible and opened the door to even more discoveries.

Baby horses also hold exciting first moments, as seen in this video of five hour old Annie, an American Quarter horse filly nickering (talking) to her mother, standing, and ever so carefully wobbling towards lunch. A quiet baby sneeze can be heard. Weighing approximately 55 pounds, Annie mimics Mom as she pretends to "eat" hay, though she is only "mouthing" it. Annie also mimics Mom as she nickers in response to another horse. Though appearing thin and frail, Annie is exceptionally alert at five hours post delivery. Happy birth day, Annie.

Video attribution: somewhatfortyplus

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