Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Cookies Done

Every year there is a special request for Mom's cut out Christmas cookies. And every year they are patiently mixed, cooled, cut out, frosted and decorated. Whew! The fun is over for another 365 days, the kitchen is now a flour-free zone, and the cookies are hidden -- until Tuesday.

Cut out Christmas cookies evoke youth and the excitement of the season. They remind grown up kids of bygone days, drinking hot chocolate after sledding, making a snowman on a day too cold to attend school and moving one's arms and legs to create a snow Angel. All were normal childhood activities and all were a part of this somewhat fortyplus household. Making cut-out Christmas cookies was part of the deal.

Setting out a tray of cut out cookies always brings smiles. If you can't make yours, visit the local bakery and pick up a few to place on a silver tray. Suddenly a childhood Christmas will come to mind. Smile and enjoy the sweet memory.

Photo attribution: Somewhatfrank

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! I cannot wait to try them.