Tuesday, April 1, 2008

National Cathedral Fish Pond

Backyard ponds add an interesting unexpected element of surprise to any yard. The fish pond located in the center of the stately garden at the Washington National Cathedral was just that: surprising and intriguing. Approximately three feet deep and filled with gold fish, the pond draws the viewer in as one appreciates the pleasure of rocks and water. Ponds create a much needed calmness in the middle of one's rushed life, forcing reflection. A former home had a large pond complete with water falls and adjacent smaller ponds. The children's boats dotted the water and a child could often be seen sitting in the small pond playing with his fleet. The family beagle splashed in the water and was known to lay in the pond he so often fished. Raccoons and chipmunks visited and dined at our expense.

Watching the gold fish maneuver in unison behind the National Cathedral brought to mind earlier days, smaller children, and warm summer nights in the family swimming pool. Every yard needs a water element and the current yard has only a small fountain.....running water, true, but not the same. Time to start digging.
Photo attribution: somewhatfortyplus

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