Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Here Comes Mark Cuban

Anyone who reads this site regularly will recall my somewhat odd admiration for Mark Cuban -- but why? While it is true he is one good looking Texan, married with children, he showed the world he could do more then make money when he kicked up his heels on "Dancing With the Stars." I watched it faithfully and voted religiously for Mark. He was voted off.

Tonight Mark Cuban visits Chicago to discuss his desire to add the beloved Chicago Cubs to his list of "Teams I Own." Apparently he prefers the bleachers, but for tonight's game against the Brewers, look for him sitting next to one of the top brass of Tribune Company Broadcasting as they discuss his desire to own the franchise. If only fans could vote for who they want to purchase the Cubs. . .

Though the Cubs are anything but a "start-up," read what Mark has to say about spending money when starting a company, at " A Couple of My Rules For Start Ups." One of his thoughts includes: "10. NEVER EVER EVER buy swag. A sure sign of failure for a start up is when someone sends me logo polo shirts. If your people are at shows and in public, its ok to buy for your own folks, but if you really think someone is going to wear your polo you sent them in public, you are mistaken and have no idea how to spend your money."

Very interesting thoughts from a guy who usually appears in a tight fitting long sleeved finely knit sweater with no writing on it. Just saw him at the game -- sitting next to the head of broadcasting. Am I a psychic?
Photo Attribution: somewhat frank

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